Thursday 4 August 2011

Berlusconi hosts another ‘bunga bunga’ party despite Italy’s crisis

Even as the Italian economy is on the verge of a financial meltdown, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi hosted another one of his infamous ``bunga bunga`` parties last Sunday, Italian media has reported.

Berlusconi, 74, is embroiled in allegations that dozens of showgirls were paid to attend the bunga bunga parties - which is said to refer to a crude after dinner sex act - at his luxury villa, reports the Daily Mail.

The new allegations came just hours before Berlusconi was due to give or make or break speech to the Italian parliament in an attempt to calm jitters over the current economic crisis.

According to Italian media reports, 20 women were seen entering Berlusconi``s villa at Arcore last Sunday in a fleet of cars with guests not leaving until 2am.

The women are said to have ``used more caution`` than normal when entering the villa so as not to attract attention although the identity of the women was not known.

Berlusconi is currently facing a charge of having sex with an underage prostitute after it emerged one of the guests at the parties held last year was at the time just 17 years old.

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