Sunday 26 June 2011

US campaigners to appeal against court’s approval of unprotected sex in porn movies

Health campaigners in US have said that they intend to appeal against the California Court’s decision to allow porn actors to have unprotected sex on the sets of pornographic films.

The Aids Healthcare Foundation (AHF) had been seeking to force public health officials in Los Angeles county, the global headquarters of the pornographic industry, to carry out regular inspections to ensure that performers are not being exposed to sexually-transmitted diseases.

However, the California Court of Appeal this week upheld a decision that county health officers should be allowed to exercise their own discretion about the best way to achieve safety in the adult entertainment workplace.

At present, those officers generally allow consenting adults to go about their business as they see fit.

“The county of Los Angeles has the duty to protect public health, one of the highest responsibilities of local government,” the Independent quoted AHF’s Tom Myers as saying in a statement.

He announced that his organisation will now challenge that decision at the California Supreme Court.

“It simply cannot ignore this duty and blithely sit by while thousands of people contract STDs,” he added.

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