Friday, 24 June 2011

Risque stills from ‘A Dangerous Method’ show Keira Knightley getting spanked

British actress Keira Knightley is set to send the adrenalin rush with her forthcoming sexually charged film ‘A Dangerous Method’, in which she is shot getting spanked before making love.

The risqué stills have been released from the film, which is set in the early 1900s, reports a newspaper.

In one of the scenes, the 26-year-old star is seen dressed in a white corseted dress, and belted by actor Michael Fassbender, who plays her psychiatrist.

The two are then shot in a passionate love scene in the film based around the psychiatrist’s turbulent relationship with Knightley’s character and his mentor Sigmund Freud.

Knightley plays the character of Sabina Spielrein – a beautiful young Russian woman who has repressed sexual desires to be beaten by her lover

In the film based on a true story, Jung and Freud give birth to the discipline of psychoanalysis and discover clinical methods of investigating the mind whilst becoming caught up in a love triangle.

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